Haute is the easiest way to match your clothes. Use it to get fashionable color combination suggestions and discover new styles.
With haute, your device becomes your personal style assistant that helps you decide how to match your clothes.
The app is fast and easy to use, making it your best friend when you go shopping or when you have to dress for an event like a wedding, a party or a date ;)
Getting the right colors for that perfect look was never easier. With haute, you just snap a photo of the rig you want to match with and you instantly get several color combinations on designer-like sketches organized in collections. Each collection has its own feel and distinctive mark. Depending on your gender (man/boy or woman/girl), the colors are presented on male or female sketches so that you see exactly how they fit together.
You can check every sketch in detail, shuffle colors on it or precisely choose which color goes with which garment. You can save all those chic, trendy, stylish, glamourous looks in your favorite looks and access them anytime for fast reference.
Haute helps you mix and match beautiful colors for your shoes, accessories, shirts, suits, skirts, dresses or any other piece of apparel in your closet.
Our vision is to help people dress great. We want to make fashion knowledge accessible and available fast and easy, everywhere you go.
Next time you're feeling chatty, please send us your feedback at haute@makan-studios.com. We'd love to hear what you think.
Haute adalah cara termudah untuk mencocokkan pakaian Anda. Menggunakannya untuk mendapatkan modis saran kombinasi warna dan menemukan gaya baru.
Dengan haute, perangkat Anda menjadi asisten gaya pribadi Anda yang membantu Anda memutuskan bagaimana untuk mencocokkan pakaian Anda.
Aplikasi ini mudah digunakan dan cepat, sehingga teman terbaik Anda ketika Anda pergi berbelanja atau ketika Anda harus berpakaian untuk acara seperti pernikahan, pesta atau tanggal ;)
Mendapatkan warna yang tepat untuk yang terlihat sempurna tidak pernah mudah. Dengan haute, Anda hanya snap foto dari rig Anda ingin mencocokkan dengan dan Anda langsung mendapatkan beberapa kombinasi warna pada sketsa desainer seperti diatur dalam koleksi. Setiap koleksi memiliki nuansa sendiri dan tanda khusus. Tergantung pada jenis kelamin Anda (pria / laki-laki atau wanita / perempuan), warna disajikan pada sketsa pria atau wanita sehingga Anda melihat persis bagaimana mereka cocok bersama.
Anda dapat memeriksa setiap sketsa secara rinci, shuffle warna di atasnya atau tepatnya memilih warna yang berjalan dengan pakaian. Anda dapat menyimpan semua chic, trendy, stylish, terlihat glamourous dalam penampilan favorit Anda dan mengaksesnya kapan saja untuk referensi cepat.
Haute membantu Anda mencampur dan mencocokkan warna yang indah untuk Anda sepatu, aksesoris, kemeja, jas, rok, gaun atau bagian lain dari pakaian di lemari Anda.
Visi kami adalah untuk membantu orang berpakaian bagus. Kami ingin membuat pengetahuan busana diakses dan tersedia mudah dan cepat, di mana-mana Anda pergi.
Lain kali Anda merasa cerewet, silakan kirim umpan balik Anda di haute@makan-studios.com. Kami akan senang mendengar apa yang Anda pikirkan.
Haute is the easiest way to match your clothes. Use it to get fashionable color combination suggestions and discover new styles.
With haute, your device becomes your personal style assistant that helps you decide how to match your clothes.
The app is fast and easy to use, making it your best friend when you go shopping or when you have to dress for an event like a wedding, a party or a date ;)
Getting the right colors for that perfect look was never easier. With haute, you just snap a photo of the rig you want to match with and you instantly get several color combinations on designer-like sketches organized in collections. Each collection has its own feel and distinctive mark. Depending on your gender (man/boy or woman/girl), the colors are presented on male or female sketches so that you see exactly how they fit together.
You can check every sketch in detail, shuffle colors on it or precisely choose which color goes with which garment. You can save all those chic, trendy, stylish, glamourous looks in your favorite looks and access them anytime for fast reference.
Haute helps you mix and match beautiful colors for your shoes, accessories, shirts, suits, skirts, dresses or any other piece of apparel in your closet.
Our vision is to help people dress great. We want to make fashion knowledge accessible and available fast and easy, everywhere you go.
Next time you're feeling chatty, please send us your feedback at haute@makan-studios.com. We'd love to hear what you think.